Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Does Your Memory Work?

I believe that this video is very fascinating, interesting and very informative. It taught us a lot about the way our memory works and also made us think about the importance of our memory in a way we had not done before. I had never before thought about the importance of memories or how your memories are able to shape who you are or who you will be. I do believe that your memories are a very important factor of who you are because no one in the world will ever be the same because no one will have the exact same memories. I was also fascinated at the about John who did not have memories it makes me realize that your memories is something that we take for granted when in reality we use it every single day for absolutely everything. John’s story is very interesting because he will no be able to function as a normal person in society because of his lack to have memories. The video also had many interesting facts for example that you need your memories from your past in order to imagine your future. This is very funny because when you want to think about the future its usually leaving the past behind but in reality you need your past to imagine a future. I really enjoyed watching the video it was very entertaining and I truly believe I learned a lot.

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